2023 Christmas Party

The Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 2nd. Doors open at 6 pm with appetizers. Dinner will be served at 7 pm. Please see the attached poster with the meal options. If there are any food allergies please inform the person you are purchasing the ticket from. You must have a ticket to […]

2023 Halloween Costume Party

The CUPE 229 2023 Halloween Costume Party being held on Sunday October 29th, 2023 between 2:30pm-4:30pm. This year’s Halloween party will be held at Putt and Blast located at 1300 Bath Rd, Kingston ON.  There’s no cost to attend this event. Come have fun in your best family costume theme for a chance to win a prize. […]

Embracing Change: Unveiling Our New Website Under Fresh Leadership

Although the announcement last week of our President deciding to step down shocked many members, I want to reassure you that CUPE 229 continues to be committed to the vision of quality services, fair pay, health & safety and job security for all members. Steve Senechal has been voted in by the Executive Committee and […]

A Family First Decision: Why I’m Stepping Down as President of CUPE 229

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with mixed emotions that I write to you today, as I have come to a difficult decision. After much contemplation and consideration, I have decided to step down from my role as President of CUPE 229, effective today. The overarching reason for my resignation is the increasing demand on […]

Aramark’s Errors In Tracking Of Sick Time For Full-Time Employees.

An issue has come to our attention regarding Aramark’s tracking of sick time for full-time employees. If you are a full-time employee who has been with Queen’s Hospitality since before Aramark took over the contract in July 2020, please read on. It seems that Aramark has made errors in calculating at least some of our […]

Food Service Unit Wins Arbitration Victory Against Aramark’s ROE Blunder

We have amazing news.  We scored a huge victory against Aramark at arbitration this week. We forced Aramark to admit it violated the law when they screwed up our members’ Records of Employment (ROEs) this past May, and commit to a specific agreement on how and when it will issue ROEs in the future. WHY […]

Aramark Letter Writing Campaign (We Need Your Letters!)

Hi Brothers and Sisters, We have an important need for your letters. If you’re unaware, we’re collecting signed or anonymous letters from all of us working under Aramark. QUEEN’S NEEDS TO KNOW We want to let Queen’s know of the terrible conditions we’ve all been enduring since Aramark took overtake. Some of us owe hundreds […]

Elevating Caretakers’ Pay: A Victory for Equality at Queen’s University

Hi Brothers and Sisters, I want to start this email by saying how proud I am of how united our union is right now. Never have we been more united and strong — and this solidarity is being heard loud and clear by Queen’s University. Our demands are no longer being ignored, and our collective […]

Unity Council Town Hall Meeting (Budget Deficit, Bill 124)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to update you on the efforts that Unity Council has been making to influence Queen’s University to re-open wage negotiations. BUDGET DEFICIT & HIRING FREEZE After the university’s announcement on May 18, 2023, addressing a $62.8 million dollar operating budget deficit and the imposed hiring freeze for positions funded by the […]

Day of Mourning For Workers Killed Or Injured On The Job.

Dear Bothers and Sisters, Today is the annual Day of Mourning that commemorates workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace related hazards and incidents. Please take today to not only remember those we have lost, but also those whose lives have been forever altered.